Thursday, December 10, 2009

What the hell is wrong with the Pittsburgh Steelers????

I just watched a major debacle on NFL Network.  The 1-11 (now 2-11) Cleveland Browns defeated the defending Super Bowl Champions, the Pittsburgh Steelers.  The Browns played their guts out and sacked Ben Roethlisberger  at least 8  times. Defensive coordinator for the Browns, Rob Ryan, had the perfect coverage for the Steelers offense.  The Steelers were so casual with their tackling and their overall outlook on the game. that they bit themselves in the ass.  There's ZERO reason why the Steelers should have lost that game but I guess any given Thursday... The Steelers have to win all of their remaining games for a shot at the wildcard and the playoffs. The Ravens, Jaguars, Dolphins, and even the Titans have a shot at making the playoffs before the Steelers. Oh how the mighty have fallen....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger Woods, you deserve a "C'mon MAN!"

Good evening people!

It's been a while since I've gotten on here and ranted about something sports possibly due to my food induced coma which was Thanksgiving.  While sunning in East Texas, I found out that Tiger Woods ran into (no pun intended) to a little trouble backing out of his driveway.

The world's top golfer apparently ran into a tree and fire hydrant at 0225 am at about 30mph. He was so incapacitated that his lovely but slight wife bashed out the back windows of his Escalade to rescue him. Now the damage on the photos shows to the right front of the vehicle.  Now why was she breaking out the back windows of a vehicle whose airbags didn't deploy? Now I know GM (Government Motors) has had problems with financing and such but they've typically built a pretty solid truck from which the Escalade is built on.

Mrs. Woods stated she ran down to the car then she turned around and said she took a golf cart to the crash site. No one saw her with the golf club.  Then there's the whole I'm going to talk to the cops, no I'm not going to talk to the cops that further muddles the story. Had this been a simple accident, why wouldn't he just tell them that and move on with life?  His apology is suspect to say the least.  Oh and the whole NYC club hostess affair is equally sketchy although he and her have denied it. Why did Ms. Electric Cowboy hire a high-profile attorney and PR person if nothing ever happened.

Here's my thought: Big Tig and Ellin got into an argument about the rumors of his infidelity with Ms. Electric Cowboy. Ellin bowed up, grabbed a golf and smashed his damn back windows out. She probably keyed it to just to add to the drama. He went outside and said, "hey, why you wrecking my whip" and tried to stop her. She laid hands on him and beat him down like a pinata and he jumped in his truck to avoid more pain. As he rolled away from the house, she jumped on the golf cart and followed him and he was so distracted looking in the rearview mirror that he ran off the road and hit the hydrant/tree.  He's saying it's all his fault because it probably IS, because his down-low activities and because men are generally shady.  I saw today that he was cited for careless driving and fined about $150 but the damage is done. The once crown prince of all sports who could do no wrong has a little chink in his armor.  Soon everyone will forget all of this and he'll amaze us with more tour championships and corny commercials peddling everything from an overhyped sports drink to your grandmother's old faithful churchmobile.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Racing Four the Win!

Jimmie Johnson will make history at the season finale Homestead-Miami race on Sunday. As long as he finishes 27th, Johnson will become the first driver to win four consecutive championships. Congrats, Jimmie. Nobody works harder than you...and Chad Knaus.

Runner-up for Tool of the Year is...

Juan Pablo Montoya.

I think these "men" forget they're just that - men when they get behind the wheel at a track. Leave well enough alone, JP. I crown thee runner-up of Tool of the Year - behind the #1 supremo douchebag, Denny.

I did like you, Juan Pablo. However, that ridiculous tap to the back of the #14 changed my perspective on you. Like Joey Logano said, "You can't fix stupid."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Further Proof Denny Hamlin is a Douchebag...

Ok, so I'm watching the Homestead Miami Nationwide race (and I never watch Nationwide races) and the first thing I see is Denny "the Douchebag" Hamlin running up on the high side behind Brad Keselowski and tapping him hard enough to spin him out. Really, Denny...did you think you weren't going to get penalized for that immature maneuver? I'd like to personally give a shout out to the Nascar officials at the race for black flagging the #11. I think this further solidifies Denny's win for the "Tool of the Year" award in Nascar (both Nationwide and Sprint). Congrats, Denny. You have rightfully earned this award. Now, go play in traffic.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ravens blank the Browns on MNF


Well, at least the Ravens won...  This game quite possibly was the most boring Monday Night Football game in a while even for the most dedicated NFL freak. I found myself checking Facebook as well as what new gadget was nearing release on all my favorite gadget blogs.

Brady Quinn, isn't very good at all. I don't know if he's thinking too much and afraid to make a mistake or if he has too many muscles.  He makes great supplement commercials but not much else. Seriously, look at that guy and compare him to other quarterbacks in the league. He has some seriously sculpted arms. The great quarterbacks in the league, Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees and others, don't carry around well sculpted pipes in their arsenal and they don't need them to throw the ball accurately down the field. The few times late in the game when he finally decided to throw more than checkdown passes, the ball landed 5-10 yards out of bounds leaving the receiver NO CHANCE to catch it. Any quarterback worth his salt and drafted in the first round needs the ability to threaten the defense with an accurate 9 route.  I can't place all the blame on Quinn because that offensive line played like a disorganized pile of poo. Granted they were playing the highly respected and equally talented Ravens defense which seem to have lost a step or miss big Rex.  The Ravens were able to get a pass rush with rushing only three guys and gave up a sack to Trevor Pryce. How in the hell does 3 guys beat five??

Raven fans, listen up. Don't take this win as some great victory. Granted a win is a win and as Herm Edwards once said, "you play to win the game, hello!!!" Cleveland's defense played well and made Joe Cool, Joe Flacco, look decided average.  Ray Rice had a nice game and even McGahee showed up a bit but the win by the Ravens was ugly.  I'm hoping they'll fix whatever is wrong because they still have to play Big Ben and the Steelers twice this season. Getting swept by the Bengals AND Steelers would be disastrous to say the least.