Monday, November 16, 2009

Even a NFL Owner can act like Larry Johnson


Here's Bud Adams.  Looks like a nice enough guy. Probably plays bridge at some swanky golf course. Has enough money to own a golf course and probably has one at his house. Mr. Adams acted just like Mike Vick did a few years ago when he played for Atlanta and gave the Buffalo Bills a departing gesture. While sitting in the club suites, Bud Adams, owner of the Tennessee Titans tells the Buffalo Bills who's "number one".  Apparently Mr. Adams was so excited that his team decided to win a game this year that he just couldn't help himself.  According to ESPN's report, he had flashed the Hook 'Em Horns just before seemingly in a tribute to their much maligned, high priced, quarterback, Vince Young. Bud Adams received notice from 280 Park Avenue, NY, NY(NFL headquarters) that he would  be fined $250K for his hand signs.  Yes, he shouldn't have done it, but I think it's pretty hilarious that one of the founding fathers of the NFL gets bitch slapped for showing some enthusiasm for his team.

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