Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Sheriff arrests the Cheatriots and Tom Terrific

The Sheriff takes out the garbage in town! Peyton Manning handles the Patriots with a comeback win. Down 31-14 with 12 min to go, the Colts muster a stop on defense and hand the ball back to Peyton and his deputies to win the game on a touchdown with :13 left to play. Excellent game!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm glad the Colts won. But, "The Hoodie" has got to grow up. He cost The Pats the game, and then he doesn't even have the class to shake Caldwells hand and give him congratulations after the game. Stay classy Pats, stay classy...

  3. If they make the play on fourth down, we're not having this conversation.

  4. If the Patriots convert, we're not having this conversation. I have no issue with it. Melvin Bullitt made a great play by diagnosing the play and driving on the ball to make Kevin Faulk bobble the ball enough to not get the forward progress. The Patriot defense couldn't stop Peyton Manning. They scored two touchdowns in less than 5 minutes. Pick your poison: slow death or quick death.

  5. Well, here is one more "out of the box" thought. Once you go for it, and don't get it, why not just let Manning score quick??? Then, you get the ball back, with 2 minutes, and all you need is a field goal to win. Instead, their defense(which he knew couldn't hold), let Manning use up all 2 minutes and then score.
